Its been a long time i neva update my blog.currently in australia now. feelings are so different from malaysia..maybe because of the weather..sometimes it hot like roasting a chicken, sometime it does feel cold too. but luckily i dun fall sick.First time taken long distance flight is so horrible..the airconditional doesnt work properly..i feel very uncomfortable.after 7 hours flight,finally i reached here..of cos, i couldnt understand the language they spoke to is fast and very slang. i tot i can understand their mother tougue but nope!!its totally the opposite of my really sad~hah..but well i hope i can survive here..travelling 42 days here, i have taken so many pictures..from my lovely family until the day i reached here, with friends and my baby :)
My farewell with my cousins and sisters...i am sure i gonna miss them ...:)
this little boy sure will forget me de:)
Finally, reach the day i taken flight:
Eventhough my mum didnt acc me to the airport, but i know she will miss me lotz lotz.. she even cried when i leave...:)
The picture taken in the flight. The light was great as it keep flashing with different colors.:)
Yu hang..will be sharing room with him..38 yet cares us alot..haha..yu hang, am i saying wrong?
food in the Etihad flight..nice ma??
Remote control in the etihad flight...
The first place we visited is Riverside:
We spend AUD2.90 for daily transports. you can either take bus, train, or city cat(ferry).it costs you the same...
Far view from Riverside
taken after city cat.
Next station South bank..
Australia has IKEA too..but interstingly they pronouce IKEA as "AI KIA"...funny hor~~
we Spent AUD2000 here..SWEAT~Next trip, we went to DFO, the place where can get cheaper stuff...
12 people going and all of them including me wearing sunglasses..haha..action~
This is the Brisbane's Casino, we took Pictures and waiting for our friend in front of the Casino..
Nite view, in front of Casino..we went to Pancake house for our dinner...
Huey ling's birthday, we celebrate with her..she need to complete several task before we sing birthday song to them...:)
Going to my Uni lo~~
This is the bus station where i usually drop and take...
This is a small portion of my UNI..
Even my UNI has water machine...haha:)
so many food hor..we spent AUD 120 on those stuff..expensive ma??
Finally, is my house...
My room
The weather is getting cold as autumn is approaching soon. this is my 2nd month in Brisbane. it seems fast but i am struggling everyday..another 9 months will be finished my studies..hope can enjoy the life in Brisbane without any obstacles.. i really hope that..may god bless me....a lot photos will be uploaded in few weeks time..i will update as soon as possible..:)